The JMC 2825 completed it's dry-docking the first half of March 2025 and is ready for it's next work assignment.
This 282' x 90' x 25' ABS Classed deck barge is part of our fleet in Batam, Indonesia.
Cashman Equipment Corp. is proud to be a member of American Salvage Association and to assist the salvage community in restoring operations in the Baltimore Harbor.
American Salvage Association member companies have once again come together in a time of national need to support, work and resolve a high-profile salvage operation. In Baltimore, Maryland, USA, member companies Northstar Marine Inc, Resolve Marine, McAllister Towing, Stasinos Marine LLC, Phoenix International Holdings, Inc., Glosten, Weeks Marine, Inc. Reed Maritime, LLC, Ambipar Response I United States (Witt O'Brien's), Dann Ocean Towing, Inc. Cashman Equipment Corp., and T&T SALVAGE LLC are working under the U.S. Coast Guard Unified Command to open the Baltimore harbor and restore normal operations to one of America's busiest ports.
We've come together before - from the Deepwater Horizon well blowout to Hurricane Katrina to the Lahaina Harbor fire in Maui, and many others. Members of the ASA join and support communities, environmental disasters and emergencies in the Americas and the Caribbean.
The salvage industry is getting unprecedented media coverage that is raising awareness of the highly technical nature of our work. Last week, The U.S. Secretary of Transportation mentioned the importance of salvage operations in a White House press briefing.
ASA and its members, under the direction and coordination of the Naval Sea Systems Command {NAVSEA), are working together as one combined government-industry team. Together, we are proud to ensure the safety of first responders and the protection of the environment while working to urgently re-open this critical waterway, vital to the nation's economy. As recovery operations progress, the cooperation of our essential maritime salvage partners will once again demonstrate the tremendous benefit that this niche industry brings to the nation.
Press release courtesy of American Salvage Association.
The JMC 3335 strikes a pose after a recent blasting and painting October 2023.
The barge is part of our 16 vessel fleet in the UAE, one of four 330' x 100' x 20' Classed deck barges.
The International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum (IPF) will take place March 28 - 30, 2023 at the Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
Stop by and visit with members of our Cashman Equipment Team at Booth 536 to discuss marine transportation options for wind farm components utilizing our extensive fleet of barges positioned worldwide.
Cashman Equipment Corp. (CEC), global provider of ocean deck barges and marine equipment, is pleased to announce that it has been awarded ISO Certification for its systems and processes under ISO 9001:2015. CEC’s ISO 9001:2015 certificate (#US017132) was issued by Bureau Veritas Certification (BV).
ISO 9001:2015 is a globally recognized quality management standard developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This standard is based on several quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, process approach and continual improvement.
“CEC is excited to implement these standards in continuing to provide high quality and reliable marine equipment and transportation solutions to global marine markets,” said Samina Mahmood, CEC’s QMS Coordinator. “CEC continues to adhere to its key principles of creating a high caliber team; constantly improving business resources and processes; integrating health, safety and environmental requirements and considerations; and providing creative solutions to support our clients.”
Jamie Cashman, CEC’s President & CEO, said, “We are proud of having been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification from BV. Achieving this was accomplished by determination and with contribution from our global team. We’ll continue to focus on our key principles to provide exemplary customer service to our existing and new customers who require ISO 9001 certification from their partners.”
The International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum (IPF 2022) takes place April 26 - 28, 2022 at the Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey USA.
Stop by and visit with members of our Cashman Equipment Team at Booth 504 to discuss marine transportation options for wind farm components utilizing our extensive fleet of barges positioned worldwide.
Superb drone photograph of our deck barge MISS MARY at anchorage Batangas City Harbour, Philippines awaiting entrance for cargo offload November 2021.
The MISS MARY is one of three 400' x 120' x 25' ABS classed deck barges fleeted in Indonesia available for charter.
Photo courtesy of Acteon.
Impressive photos of the deck barge MISS HANNAH loaded in Batam, Indonesia for sailing to Qatar, UAE for project installation.
The MISS HANNAH is one of three of our 400' x 120' x 25' ABS Classed deck barges fleeted in Indonesia that are available for charter.
Our Team recently attended the International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum (IPF) Conference at the Greater Richmond Convention Center, Richmond, Virginia in Booth 329.
Please contact us to discuss marine transport of offshore wind components utilizing our extensive fleet of barges.
Cashman Equipment Corp. was contracted by Sarens USA in September 2020 to charter two 250’ Class ABS deck barges, the JMC 256 and JMC 259, to support the removal of the Green Crane at Newport News Shipyard (NNS). Sarens USA was awarded this Contract in July 2019. NNS is dedicated to the US Navy providing maintenance support, as well as building new Air Craft Carriers and submarines for the Navy.
Crane 32400 – which is the official name - has a span of 440 feet, an estimated weight of 2,500 MTons, and a lifting capacity of 300 mTons. The crane was erected in the 1960s, and was still in limited use today, mainly to refuel the Ford-Class Aircraft carriers.
Preparations for the removal began in March 2020. Despite challenges related to the COVID pandemic and bad weather caused by Hurricane Laura, both leg sections, followed by the main girder, were lowered to the barges without issue. Loading of these sections was completed by a unique system developed by Sarens USA – a combination of a load spreading beam system and a free standing 8-tower set-up, in combination with the Sarens Climbing Tower (SCT) on a 24-meter tall base of the SMLT 5800 (Sarens Multi Lift Towers). The towers were then topped off with 8 strand jacks of 450T.
Once the crane sections were secured to the barges they were transported upriver to be offloaded, and eventually scrapped.
Cashman Equipment Corp. is proud to have partnered with Sarens USA on this project in supporting the Newport News Shipyard, & US Navy.
Cashman Equipment Corp (CEC) is excited to welcome two new Business Development Managers to its sales team, Mr. Nick Crow and Mr. Richard Hastings. Both, Rich and Nick, reside in Houston, Texas and will help CEC in sales and business development matters focused in the Gulf of Mexico. The recruitment of these two experienced individuals is in line with company’s efforts to build a strong nationwide team. In late 2017 and 2018, CEC also hired two East Coast sales team members, Ms. Jan Andrusky and Mr. Andrew Korney based in New York City and Washington, DC, respectively.
Nick Crow comes to Cashman with ten years industry experience. Prior to Cashman, Nick worked for Bechtel as their Senior Charterer where his duties included multi-voyage charter agreements, spot charters, rigging and stowage reviews, and project charter estimates. Nick is also the inventor of record on a Bechtel patent for the use of cameras for navigation during barge voyages. The invention, known commonly in the industry as Live-StrOM, received the Innovation of the Year Award for 2018 within the company. Nick holds a degree in Maritime Administration from Texas A&M Galveston and is currently completing a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Clemson University with which he will graduate in August of this year.
Richard Hastings has over seventeen years of oil & gas industry experience. Before joining Cashman, Rich worked for several companies in the project management and business development positions; most notably, he worked with Cal Dive International for fourteen years. His experience includes various domestic and international marine construction, diving, salvage, pipeline, platform installation, and decommissioning projects. Rich holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas State University.
Andrew Korney is a 2006 Marine Engineering graduate from Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He has sailed on both US and foreign flagged vessels, upgrading his license before coming shore side. Following his time at sea, he worked as a Technical Superintendent and Technical Manager for various shipping companies; vessel types include tankers, containerships and RO/ROs. In 2012, Andy transitioned into a sales and marketing role to introduce a company with emerging technologies to the marine market.
Jan Andrusky has over 25 years’ experience in the tug and barge industry. A U.S. Navy veteran, she began her maritime career at McAllister Towing & Transportation in New York harbor. Prior to joining Cashman, she worked for Weeks Marine Inc. for 18 years. While managing their fleet of 15 tugs, she expanded her area of expertise in marine construction, heavy lift, and dredging. Her career highlights include managing the transportation of the world trade center 9/11 debris and coordinating the delivery of heavy lift equipment and tugs for the salvage of U.S. Airways flight 1549 from the Hudson River. Jan has served on the AWO Atlantic Regional Board and President of the nonprofit Tug Pegasus Preservation Project.
All US sales team members report to Mr. Dan Schwall, Senior Vice President. “Jan, Andy, Rich and Nick bring a wealth of experience and talent to the Cashman Team and will enable Cashman Equipment Corporation to achieve maximum potential in our operating region of North America and the Caribbean,” said Dan Schwall.
La JMC 3080, una barcaza de cubierta de 300 'x 80' x 18 con paredes de contención, llegando a Cartagena, Colombia.
La barcaza de alojamiento JMC 24 de Cashman Equipment transitando por El Canal Volga-Don, en Rusia.
Cashman Equipment Corp., esta complacida en anunciar la continua expansión de su flota global de barcazas con la adición de tres grandes barcazas de cubierta ballastable, con medidas de 330’ x 100’ x 20’. Las nuevas adquisiciones, nombradas JMC 3339, JMC3340 Y JMC3341, están actualmente localizadas en la flota del Golfo de México y están disponibles para su despliegue internacional..
CHM Maritime, empresa filial de Cashman Equipment Corp., se complace en anunciar la incorporación de dos barcazas de 300 ' x 100' a su flota, localizadas en Tampico, México. Las dos barcazas, JMC 3003 y 3009, son bandera mexicana y clasificadas por American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) y están disponibles para alquiler inmediato.
Además, CHM dará la bienvenida a la JMC 3336 a la flota al final del verano de 2015. El JMC 3336 es una barcaza de cubierta 330' x 120' ABS y ofrece más estabilidad que una de 400´ x 100'.
En los últimos años, CHM Marítime ha seguido ampliando su presencia en el continente americano, con planes de añadir barcazas adicionales a su flota en México durante los próximos meses con el fin de satisfacer las continuas demandas de su base de clientes.
Cashman Equipment Corp. se complace en anunciar la continua expansión en el Noreste de EE.UU. de su flota de barcazas y grúas para el mercado de construcción marina.
Durante el año pasado, Cashman Equipment ha reubicado 8 barcazas desde el Golfo de México a Norfolk, el puerto de Nueva York y Boston, con planes de mover 8 barcazas más en los próximos 6 meses, con barcazas de adquisiciones recientes y futuras. "Lo que estamos haciendo es una progresión natural de nuestro éxito en este mercado en base en el cumplimiento de las exigencias de nuestros clientes", argumentó Jeff York, Gerente de Ventas de Cashman Equipment, Costa Este. "La reubicación de varias barcazas de diferentes tamaños, incluyendo barcazas de 231 'x 40' y 150 'x 60' , nos permite acceder a diferentes tipos de trabajos de construcción marina, de esa formar podemos seguir satisfaciendo las demandas de nuestros clientes actuales, y al mismo tiempo atrayendo nuevos clientes. Además de ampliar nuestra flota de barcazas, también hemos ampliado nuestra flota de grúas en este mercado, para incluir tres grúas adicionales Manitowoc 2250, para ser usadas en nuestras barcazas ", continuó argumentando el Sr. York.
Cashman Equipment, un proveedor global de barcazas y servicios marinos, posee y opera una de las flotas más jóvenes y más grandes de la industria, con más de 130 embarcaciones, incluyendo barcazas continentales y oceánicas, que varían en tamaño desde 120 'a 400'; barcazas de alojamiento, así como barcazas de recuperación de derrame de petróleo especializados; remolcadores y grúas. Cashman Equipment mantiene oficinas y flotas en todo el mundo, incluyendo los Estados Unidos, México, Canadá, Singapur / Australia, el Golfo Pérsico, África Occidental y el Mar Caspio.”
Cashman Equipment Corp. se complace en anunciar la expansión continua de su flota en América del Norte con la incorporación de 14 barcazas de carga abiertas. Estas 14 barcazas de carga son de la dimensión 200’ x 35’ x 12’ y forman parte de la flota Cashman Equipment Corp. de Louisiana, Estados Unidos. Estas barcazas están disponibles desde ahora para proyectos locales o despliegue internacional.
Cashman Equipment, proveedor global de barcazas y servicios marítimos, es propietaria y operadora de una de las flotas más nuevas y más grandes en la industria con más de 130 embarcaciones, incluyendo barcazas marinas y terrestres cuyo tamaño va desde 120’ hasta 400’, barcazas de alojamiento, así como barcazas especializadas en recolección de derrames de petróleo y grúas. Cashman Equipment mantiene oficinas y flotas alrededor del mundo, incluyendo los Estados Unidos de América, México, Sudamérica, Singapur/Australia, el Golfo Pérsico, África Occidental y el Mar Caspio.
Para obtener información adicional sobre estas nuevas barcazas de carga, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros al teléfono: +1-225-216-7694, o mediante un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección
Servicio Marina Superior (SMS), empresa de remolque filial de Cashman Equipment, recientemente terminó un proyecto con Cal Dive International para proveer dos barcos remolcadores con la finalidad de apoyar a la embarcación instaladora de ductos Samson en funciones en Coatzacoalcos, México. SMS proporcionó los remolcadores de 3600 HP M/V REED DANOS y M/V TODD DANOS para remolcar las barcazas Cashman Equipment cargadas con ductos desde la costa hasta la embarcación SAMSON en altamar.
Cashman Equipment ha añadido dos grúas 2001 Manitowoc 2250 SIII de 300 toneladas a su flota para los fletamentos de las barcazas. Cashman Equipment tiene planeado montar cada grúa Manitowoc 2250 crane en una barcaza interior spud de 150 'x 60' x 12 (the JMC 75 y JMC 76). Cashman Equipmenttiene la capacidad de montar cualquiera de nuestras muchas grúas en cualquiera de nuestras barcazas que se ajuste mejor a sus necesidades específicas de trabajo. Por favor, póngase en contacto con John McNulty al +1-617-593-4453 o para confirmar sus necesidades de grúas y barcazas para su próximo proyecto.
En el mes de Octubre del año 2008 Cashman Equipment Corp. fue contratada por Ersai para diseñar construir, entregar y operar dos hoteles flotantes. Se requirió que cada embarcación proporcionara un POB mínimo de 250. Se solicitó que las embarcaciones de alojamiento marítimo fueran autónomas en su totalidad por un periodo de tiempo mínimo de 12 días en la ubicación. Cashman Equipment construyó el 90% de las dos embarcaciones en Amelia, Louisiana. Esta obra se efectuó entre noviembre de 2008 y abril de 2009. Las embarcaciones se transportaron mediante un buque de carga pesada hasta el Mar Negro, donde fueron descargadas.